There's a theory that has it that adulthood comes the moment you realize that your parents are not just human and fallible, but may have been cool, interesting, attractive, even awesome before you came along and effed everything up by being born. Perhaps this is why we only truly grow to appreciate our parents as we reach the age of parenthood ourselves. Perhaps this is also why we've loved gazing at the photo Tumblr My Parents Were Awesome these last few years and why we're thrilled to see that editor Eliot Glazer has released a book of the same name capturing the best of his website.
My Parents Were Awesome
, the print title, not only carries the photographic proof that parents were, believe it or not, somewhat cool human beings, but also features essays by Refinery-approved authors like Dave Itzkoff, Laurie Notaro, and Holly Peterson. More than that though, by putting his site in handy analog form, Glazer has finally allowed us to share these amazing images of pre-baby parents with out not-so-tech savvy folks, who still call us for help setting up the DVD player—God bless 'em.