Palais de Thes Pu-Erh Imperial Tea
The first time I ever had pu-erh tea, a dark blend that originates in China, was during a huge dim sum feast. Turns out the Chinese figured out ages ago that this fermented tea improves digestion during or immediately after a heavy meal, but not everyone else has gotten this awesome memo just yet. My personal favorite pu-erh is the one made by Palais des Thes. By the time we hit the dessert portion of the evening, a warm cup is just the thing I need.

Traditional Medicinals Fennel Tea
If you're more familiar with fruit teas, fennel tea will definitely be a bit of a surprise — it's slightly bitter and almost licorice-y. But, once you acquire the taste for this tea, you'll be glad you did. This my go-to for upset stomachs. If you wake up one morning feeling like someone punched you in the stomach, a cup or two of this stuff will help. I know a woman who puts a little bit of fennel into her stuffing, which is a pretty smart way to stuff yourself silly and make sure you don't overdo it at the same time.

Steven Smith Teamakers #96, Jasmine Silver Tip
Ever had Tazo, the super-popular tea brand you get at Starbucks? Steven Smith made that. And, then, instead of retiring, he started over again with a brand under his own name. If I'm ever craving a flat tea that's warm and nourishing without being too strong in one direction — too sweet, too floral, too nutty — his Jasmine Silver Tip tea is the one I reach for. And, because it's neutral, it goes with just about any food (even a turkey-and-cranberry sandwich).

Harney & Sons English Breakfast Tea
Sometimes your next-day issue isn't that you overate, it's that you over-drank. My first step when dealing with a hangover is making a pot of strong English Breakfast tea. The caffeine helps me wake up and it's also pretty good cure for a headache. Harney & Sons may have originated in Connecticut, but it knows what it's doing with the English Breakfast blend.