You just launched a line for PINK Victoria's Secret. Did you enjoy the design process?
"Designing this was so fun, because I was able to put a little bit of myself, a little bit of Africa, and a little pink into it. I loved picking out patterns and colors and fabrics and the PINK team was amazing to work with."

What are your favorite pieces in the line?
"My favorite suits are the one-piece black-and-white one, the tiger one, and the checkered one! I love all the cover ups—I dont know which one to choose! They all have a personal connection with me and some have African patterns, which I love."

Describe your style:
"It's very easy, a bit rock-and-roll and punk with a little tomboy sometimes. But I have my hippie side as-well, which comes out now and then."

What would you say your five key wardrobe pieces are, things you wear constantly?
"My cut-off jean shorts, my black jeans, my leather jacket, all my T-shirts, my tie-dye long dress, my velvet coat, oh, and my Doc Marten boots! I guess that's a few more than five."

Do you find anyone particularly inspiring, living or dead, from a fashion perspective?
"Boy George, Jimmy Page, Jimi Hendrix, Marilyn Monroe, Janis Joplin, Debbie Harry, and Cyndi Lauper in the '80s."

Do you have any particular dressing philosophies or strategies?
"Not really, I just wear what I like, what feels nice on my skin...I really like colors and textures."

What's your best cheap find of late?
"Well, my Zara black-and-white jacket was a big score. I also got these gorgeous handmade sandals in Mexico for nothing, and I got this amazing shark sweater at Topshop."

Tell us about your home...any funny anecdotes?
"I moved into my house about a year ago, and so far nothing crazy has happened here except for my hairless cat, Gollum, making me laugh every day."

What are your favorite places to hang in your 'hood?
"I love Tompkins Square Park, Ace Bar, Sidewalk Cafe, and all the vintage stores in Alphabet City."

What song best describes your personal style?
"It's a toss up: Either 'Cherry Cola' by the Eagles Of Death Metal or 'Love Buzz' by Nirvana."