Who are some new designers we will see you working with in the future?
"Mary Katranzou is a young, emerging, British fashion talent we're currently working with. In terms of fashion designers, we're focusing on emerging talent because we feel it's that group that really needs the financial support and the product support. Plus, whenever crystal is added to a garment, it makes it a bit more glamorous. That glamour is what really gets the press attention, which a young designer needs. We're also sponsoring the CFDA Awards again. This is our 11th time and it'll be their 50th Anniversary. Those kinds of collaborations are really important for us because we realized that by supporting the industry, we add so much value. It's also just a really good way to stay in very close touch with amazing talent."
Any other cool partnerships we can look forward to seeing the Swarovski name on?
"We just launched a line with Eric Daman, the stylist for Gossip Girl. I think he's just doing such an amazing job and he's had such a huge impact on styling."
So can we expect to see more from Swarovski in the beauty world? Perhaps cosmetics are in the works?
"For sure. And I know that Clarins is also working with an amazing professor called Andrew Parker from the Natural History Museum who has actually developed the technology of creating color based on the structure of an object versus the actual pigment. And we are working with the same professor on our crystals. We're moving to exploring color because it would just be a natural extension of what we're doing, but we'll just have to see how everything plays out."
Photo: David X Prutting/BFAnyc.com