Whoever said that glitter nails were only for middle schoolers had clearly not seen these. Sure, they might require a (very) steady hand, but we think they're worth it. (Glo)
We are simultaneously fascinated and freaked out by this chocolate-scented iPhone case. On one hand, it's kinda cool, like scratch-'n'-sniff stickers for adults. On the other hand, do we really need scratch-'n'-sniff stickers for adults? (MTV Style)
This wedding ring literally brands (albeit temporarily) the word "married" into your husband or wife's finger. Um, not to be Debbie Downer, but if you're that paranoid about your future spouse, maybe you should rethink the nuptials. (Styleite)
Hamish Bowles yelled "Schiap," at Lena Dunham, and as a result, completely transformed her Met Ball look. Apparently "Schiap" meant "swap," and, when it comes to Hamish, we always appreciate the style advice and witty play on words, wrapped in one. (Racked)
'90s nostalgia certainly isn't in short supply as of late (Spice Girls musical, anyone?), but so much of the decade still goes forgotten. This list of overlooked gems is all kinds of perfect. Not that we ever forgot the cinematic genius that was Jawbreaker. (Vulture)

Photo: Via Glo