Super Sexy, Super Sexist Naked Statue Has New York Politicians Heading To Craigslist

Another day, another naked man causes a scene in New York. This one just happens to be made of stone.
“Triumph of Civic Virtue," a Grecian-style sculpture of a nude, sword-toting man stepping on a pair of women by artist Frederick MacMonnies has been a fixture in Kew Gardens since the 1940s. The women underfoot are said to symbolize "corruption" and "vice". Lovely, right? Times being what they are, local Congressman Anthony Weiner (D), is saying that the piece is offensive to women and more eyesore than art. His solution was to sell it on Craigslist and use to money to raise funds for the State. Good plan, until the listing was "flagged for removal" by administrators on Tuesday, raising many questions: Who flagged the listing, why, how has this suddenly become an issue after 60 years, and how much are we going to have to shell out to get it in our office's foyer? [Animal NY]

Photo via Flickr.

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