Neptune In Aries Is Here — & Your Edgier Feelings Will Emerge

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Neptune has been splashing around in Pisces for quite some time. It's been so long that we've gotten used to being lost in the haze and uncertainty of what tomorrow brings; however, things are about to change when the planet of empathy and compassion moves into straightforward Aries. We might need to take cover from the rash decisions and hasty moves coming in.
Neptune is known for taking our imagination, dreams, religion, politics, and romantic sentiments to the next level. Joined with the higher octave of Venus, Neptune can lead us down the road of passion, desire, and unconditional love. But in this pairing, the lower vibration of Neptune also brings addiction, drama, vagueness, lack of direction, ambiguity, and a dissolution of boundaries. We wish to escape the mundane and rejoice in the mirage. Yes, our intuition runs wild, but we also might not want to accept the truth in matters. Self-deception is a significant form of lying.
Neptune often brings out illusions and disappointments, representing “the divine discontent.” We can look at the planet’s influence via the classic scene in Clueless, where Cher comforts Tai: “Cher: No, she's a full-on Monet. Tai: What's a Monet? Cher: It's like a painting, see? From far away, it's OK, but up close, it's a big old mess.” In a nutshell, that’s the vibe Neptune brings. Think of it this way: everything looks beautiful from far away; however, once we see things up close, it shows us the imperfections, making them real and not aligned with our fantasies.
For the past 13 years, Neptune has been in Pisces (since April 4th, 2011). At that time, as a collective, we leaned into our magical brilliance and tender emotions. We embraced our delusions and made them a reality by manifesting our aspirations. As we move forward into Neptune's fierce and fiery realms, our edgier feelings will emerge. We won't be as sensitive as we were when Neptune was in Pisces. The push to defend our beliefs is excellent, leading us to fight in an effort to protect our freedom and choices. The result urges us to become spiritual warriors in the years to come. 
This year, Neptune swims into Aries on March 30th amidst retrogrades and eclipses, making its springtime debut complex. We won’t feel the planetary change-up until June 18th, when it squares Jupiter in Cancer, bringing new senses and emotions to us. The energy will remain powerful until October 22nd, when Neptune moonwalks back into Pisces. Neptune re-enters Aries on January 26th, 2026, and will stay in that sign until March 2039. 
One primary date to focus on is February 20th, 2026, when Saturn and Neptune form a conjunction in Aries (an aspect that occurs every 36 years in different signs). These two planets last met up in Aries on March 28th, 1703. So, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to benefit from this fantastic connection. On a global level, this could mean innovation. Personally, it’ll bring our dreams to fruition.
The last time Neptune transited the sign of Aries was from 1861 to 1875. This period brought significant cultural shifts and scientific discoveries — for instance, the Civil War and the pasteurization of milk. Historically, Neptune in Aries brings uprisings and unforeseen changes, with ideologies and thoughts that veer from the status quo. Society runs away from boredom and seeks charismatic visionaries to lead the way. Hopefully, it’ll enlighten the masses and the world rather than hinder us from growing, improving, and involving ourselves.
The future is still to be written, but based on the past, we can assess that Neptune in Aries will bring sweeping advances that will augment the scientific and artistic community. We will begin to assert ourselves in order to advance. The caveat is that others will fight back, too; therefore, we’ll have to protect ourselves and those we care about at any cost. The flip side is that we will aim to find a middle ground in lieu of the madness to evolve and not repeat the same mistakes. Although Neptune in Aries is quick to argue, it also is fast to apologize and move forward. The lesson is that we do not have to speak the last word to make a point. Our actions and ideals are more powerful than words.

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