Neptune is the planet of illusion, romance and mystery, and from July 2 to December 7 it will be retrograde in its home sign of Pisces. Since Neptune retrogrades once a year for approximately five months, it’s a common phenomenon in the cosmos. Our intuition may be curtailed in the coming months, forcing us to look at things for how they are rather than how we wish they’d be. Even though it seems difficult, we’ll be able to muster ourselves and get through the process because we are stronger than we know.
Neptune’s backward spin is a cosmic wake-up call. Although we’ll still be lost in the lavender haze, in the emotional rapture and under the spell of others, we will be more aware of our emotions and of manipulation in relationships. So if someone tries to pull a fast one on us, we will see it coming; spotting this kind of behavior will be easier than before. And we may be able to avoid the situation altogether. The caveat is that some of us might still want to believe in the goodness of our peers and loved ones, meaning self-deception could be a problem if we’re not careful.
Dreams still hold power during Neptune's backstroke; we must be intentional. Remember that it’s okay to have high aspirations and expectations but it is vital to maintain our footing in reality before diving into the deep side of the ocean or escaping down a rabbit hole. We must be pragmatic about our goals and how long they’ll take to achieve. For instance, to be a race car driver, you should have a driver's license (or at least work towards it). If you hope to travel to another country, you might want to start by getting a passport or knowing where you wish to go.
We tend to experience Neptune retrograde internally. Known as “the divine discontent,” Neptune acts like a siren singing in the night air. We are drawn to the sound because it seems beautiful from a distance but once we are face to face with a situation or person and the energy has marinated, we are prone to change our minds. During Neptune’s planetary moonwalk, we can pivot without remorse or guilt. Understanding that we have a choice in matters is crucial, and it catalyzes success and happiness. Acknowledging such will make us feel we are in control of our destiny.
The flip side is that Neptune retrograde encourages us to explore our visions, fantasies and ideologies. We will be free to swim away from the school and find our way. For once, we’ll embrace our thoughts (or what we believe to be accurate within our hearts) and assert them in the world. Our imagination could lead us to artistic breakthroughs since we're searching for the balance between the physical and spiritual world. Looking for inspiration externally will be challenging so connecting with ourselves and doing activities that make us feel optimistic about our circumstances is essential. Prioritizing the self through acts of self-care is beneficial to our wellbeing, as well as maintaining boundaries within relationships.
In tarot, the Hanged Man speaks to the planet Neptune. When this Major Arcana card is upright, it represents patience, reflection, karma and indecision. When in reversal mode, which correlates with the retrograde motion, the Hanged Man shows us that a new way of thinking can lead to greatness. We have to shift our mindset to get out of the self-imposed rut. Making moves will be scary and take time so be gentle and do not apply extra pressure. The most crucial element of the Hanged Man reversed is the need to modify actions to help us see how they should be and are.
As we move forward in the months ahead, be kind to others and yourselves. We may feel as though our bubbles have popped at times, which is why it’s imperative to have a way to let out our emotions. Group therapy, aligning with a humanitarian cause or the local community, discussing with peers and family can be great resources to heal and to feel as though we are a part of something larger than ourselves. A meditation group or art class can be amazing in pushing us to grow. Be open to ideas that evoke passion and creativity.