As the late 1980s turned to the early 90s, change was everywhere. The Berlin Wall fell, Jesus Jones revolutionized popular music, and a new form of fabric transformed the garment industry forever. Of course, with Hypercolor, the line of T-shirts from Generra that shifted hue with body heat, forever was only a couple of years (same goes for Jesus Jones.)
Well, as you may have heard through the blogvine, "color change" clothing has returned (we dare not call it "Hypercolor" for fairly obvious legal reasons.) Our friends down at Oak gave us a demonstration of Anzevino & Florence's new range of Ts, tanks, and scarfs the other day, proving that not only touch, but warm breath has the ability to transform the tones of their garments. Naturally, we were curious (though we did not handle the breathed-upon scarf). More stylish and less branded than its historical forbearers, the Anzevino & Florence collection would be worth picking up even if body heat didn't have a dynamic effect on its pieces. Moreover, with the temperature reaching the '90s this weekend, it's a good time to get down to Oak and add a dose of chemically enhanced seasonal flair to your wardrobe.