The New Moon In Pisces Is An Invitation To Escape The Mundane

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There was no bang at the start of 2025 but now we are beginning to bring excitement and joy into our lives. We'll be up for releasing resentment and emotions in the weeks before the new moon in Pisces, but right now we are seeking heightened emotional states. The new moon on February 27 is an ideal day to ignite the spark within and watch it glow in the coming months.
New moons mark the beginning of the month-long lunar cycle so they have an air of freshness to them. Incentives are promised, ideas take hold and our fancies consume our lives. Even if we are lusting after things that are in our imagination, they could become as real and as perfect as anything else. Everything starts with inspiration. Be delulu now and it'll pay off in the future. 
What makes this particular lunation stand out is that it is bringing prosperity our way. We have a lot of room to grow and swim any way we choose as we have all this space in which to develop. The new moon is the foundation of what's to come. This is when we are planting the seeds or, in this case, diving deep into the ocean. And since this new moon urges us to escape the mundane, there is no looking back. 
On the day of the new moon, Mercury in Pisces harmonizes with Uranus in Taurus. When Mercury and Uranus come together, they create an eccentric and electric bond. The rebelliousness of Uranus gives Mercury a rare chance to advance and change. This translates to us being allowed to march to the beat of our drum. We won't be worried about other people's thoughts; we will only be worried about what we choose to do. Uranus is supplying us the courage and incentive to evolve and grow, while Mercury is lending us the capacity and energy to do so. Our mission is to embrace the most authentic versions of ourselves and our objectives. 
The planetary ruler of Pisces is Jupiter. Currently, Jupiter is in the air sign Gemini. When they come together, a square aspect forms (this happens when the signs are 90 degrees apart). In astrology, a square aspect means that action is taking place and further things are percolating. This aspect makes the new moon a fun and wonderful time that motivates us to gamble on ourselves rather than others. 
With Mercury and Jupiter in mutual reception (an astrological aspect when two planets are in the sign of the other’s rulership, crafting a dynamic relationship between them), we can express ourselves as bigger, louder and better than before. Jupiter aims to expand the communication Mercury is speaking, allowing us to fully comprehend the scope of our fantasies, passions and needs. If we are unsure or unable to grasp what we want, the planets will do their best to help us understand and attain perspective. Conversely, we’ll be able to hear what others are saying so we’ll know whether we should pursue matters. 
The caveat is that we may allow our fears to get the better of us. Since the light of the moon is invisible, we might have insecurities or question our goals. If they seem out of reach or unobtainable, we can still attain them but we must work harder to achieve our hopes and aspirations. If we keep moving toward the endgame and striving for greatness, our intentions can manifest and become reality. To defeat the limiting voices in our heads, we must consider whether success or love scares us and how we can navigate the challenges to bring our desires into our lives. We are stronger, wiser and more agile than we know.
The new moon in Pisces is a magical and fortunate time to lean into our visions. With the lunar energy urging us to embrace our creative minds and romantic hearts (among other sentiments), we will let the cosmos inspire us to move toward greatness and transcend with the flow of the universe. Have faith and believe in what can happen. Nothing is standing in our way! This is a moment when anything and everything seems possible and attainable — because it is. So reach for the stars and dream big. Don't allow doubt to hold you back. The sky’s the limit! 

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