During The New Moon In Scorpio, Embrace Your Dark Side

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Scorpio season is officially here, and we’re starting out strong with a new moon on October 27. New moons always represent beginnings, renewal, and rebirth — meaning this energy is a perfect fit for Scorpio, the sign of sex, death, transformation, and the occult.  
“Deepening an already heavy focus in the most enigmatic of all signs, this moon is bound to be a game-changer,” Naryana Montúfar, Senior Astrologer for and, tells Refinery29. “And although the road might not be easy, the place where we end up will resonate with us so long as we don’t resist change. It is coming.”
To understand more about this change, we look to the positions of the other planets. “Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, will be sitting exactly across from this moon — a position that makes him one of the main stellar forces at play,” Montúfar explains. “Surprises (good ones and bad ones) could shake us at our core, and they will likely be related to either relationships or money.”
Astrologer Lisa Stardust adds that the position of Uranus indicates that “shakeups, breakups, and breakdowns may occur, leaving us all flabbergasted. We may form strange and unusual unions with others who we may have declared an ‘enemy,’ ‘frenemy,’ or ‘ex.’” 
It's not just Uranus at work. Montúfar says, “During this lunation, this moon’s planetary rulers, Pluto (modern astrology) and Mars (traditional astrology) are involved with Saturn, the planet of responsibility and boundaries. Tough decisions might have to be made, and our inability to express what we desire at the time might bring some frustration. The one most important thing to remember here is that we don’t always get to make the rules — right now, our job is finding ways to work within them. As cosmic teacher, Saturn tests our ability to stay gracious in the face of challenging circumstances.”
Stardust points out that this new moon also aligns with Syrma, a fixed star in the constellation of Virgo. This means “we may be inclined to use this luminary as a chance to make amends with others and start fresh,” she says. “Don’t forget, Scorpio is the sign of transformation, and a resurrection of an old relationship may be possible now — especially since Mercury is in its retrograde shadow (which began October 11th)."
You might be tempted to resist all this change, but you should embrace it. “While Scorpio’s uncompromising nature might make us dig in our heels because of the emotional intensity of the situation at hand, the secret lies in grounding ourselves and detaching as much as possible,” Montúfar says. “Then we can access this sign’s intuitive and penetrating perception and tenaciously make better decisions for ourselves.” 
Gabriela Herstik, author of Inner Witch: A Modern Guide to the Ancient Craft, suggests celebrating the new moon with meditation or a ritual. “Scorpio is the sign of sex, drugs, rock ’n’ roll, and the occult, so it’s a really powerful time for any work around those things,” she says.
You can reflect on death and the afterlife, create an altar to your ancestors, or bring to mind what you want to let go of during this new moon. Herstik suggests meditating on the Death tarot card, scrying (gazing into a crystal ball, concave black mirror, or bowl of water), working with black and red crystals, or practicing sex magick. “Anything that has you focusing on your inner world and gazing at it in a way that you usually wouldn’t," she says.
If it's part of your spiritual practice, Herstik recommends “working with dark goddesses,” such as Kali, Hecate, Lilith, Morrigan, or La Santa Muerte. “Shadows aren’t evil, they’re just another aspect of who we are,” she says. “It’s an equivalent to the dark moon phase itself.”
No matter your practice, Scorpio season is a powerful time. “This is a time for witches to really embrace their shadows and their darkness," Herstik says. "A lot of us are taught that those feelings should be hidden, and we’re not allowed to have them. But during Scorpio season, we have full reign to embrace those parts of ourselves.”

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