Just a few hours ago, the lovely ladies of Vena Cava shouted to the world that they would be taking the next, natural step in their careers and venture into condoms and bong water. Calm down, frat boys. Beside our instinct that the bong water is a joke (they also tweeted a potential eau de toilette called "Piss Water" a few weeks ago), the custom-designed condom buzz comes as Lisa Mayock and Sophia Buhai's second collaboration with Proper Attire Planned Parenthood, and what Proper Attire calls a "must-have accessory." The Vena Cava gals poignantly marked this occasion with a tweet stating #safesexinstyle, and we couldn't agree more. Urine and dirty bong water? Not so much... but, admittedly, we still chuckled. (@VenaCavaNYC)