Who Wants To Smell Like Nicki Minaj? You’re In Luck…

Taylor Swift has one. Jennifer Aniston has one. Heck, Britney Spears has five. Even Bruce Willis has his own. We're talking celebrity fragrances, and it's just been announced that yet another star/artist/fashion icon has jumped on the bandwagon...Nicki Minaj!

Ms. Minaj will be collaborating with beauty company Give Back Brands, and she says she'll be involved in all aspects of the process, from product development to packaging and advertising.
While we think her scent will might channel cotton candy and eyelash glue, that might not necessarily be a bad thing. After all, Give Back Brands was also behind Justin Bieber's Someday, the most successful celebrity fragrance ever — and, honestly, who knows what that really smells like. The perfume is slated to debut in high-end department stores this fall, and we're kind of amped to see what The Princess of Hip Hop will come up with — we think it's a safe bet to say that the bottle will be pink.


Photo: Courtesy of My Pink Friday

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