Things I'm obsessed with right now:
1. The Nuremberg Chronicles, this amazing document from 1493 that's essentially an illustrated history of the world. I am particularly obsessed with the images of Wondrous People and Freakish Animals, half men, half women, two drawings of an "androgyn," wolf-boy, etc...
2. I've been listening to my friend Ben Frost's album a lot has been my running companion. His music (Theory of Machines) is like some weird seam between Arvo Pärt and hardcore noise (or at least noisy) music. It aims for the guts and bypasses most everything else. I've also been listening to this Icelandic girl named Ólöf Arnalds who released this album of just-her-and-a-guitar kind of thing called Við og Við, which is great.
3. I am obsessed with this clothing line Cabane de Zucca. I know it exists and that it is French and Japanese, but I can't find any other information about it besides some badly formatted list online. Once upon a time they said they sold the shit in Colette in Paris...not true. I totally ebayed this genius purple smock (Zucca Travail) that makes me look like the gay teletubby, and also a black jacket, which I'm wearing in this cold church in Iceland as I type this to you. But I want more and I and I don't know where to go. I have a smock emergency.
4. I also really like this guy Niibori whose line is called Niibo. They sell his stuff at Odin, as well as that terrifying place Atelier on Crosby. There is this asymmetrical charcoal sweater-like garment that I wear literally every time I perform as well as these great thick canvas pants, both of which are on my person at this time (at a sound check).
Nico Muhly is a composer whose music was recently presented at Carnegie Hall as well as a collaborator with the likes of Antony and Björk.
Things I'm obsessed with right now:
1. The Nuremberg Chronicles, this amazing document from 1493 that's essentially an illustrated history of the world. I am particularly obsessed with the images of Wondrous People and Freakish Animals, half men, half women, two drawings of an "androgyn," wolf-boy, etc...
2. I've been listening to my friend Ben Frost's album a lot has been my running companion. His music (Theory of Machines) is like some weird...

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