You've donated, you've canvassed, you've taken train rides to swing states. You've even cold-called on Sunday mornings in exchange for free Bloody Marys (and yes, they were good!). But, finally—the time has come. And though it's been a long road, it's shaping up to be an even longer night. So, we asked some of our good people to weigh in on what they'll be doing on the Biggest night of the year. Get ready to rumble!
dianevonfurstenburg_electionnight.jpgDiane von Furstenberg, Designer: "I will be in the end of a long Asia journey…will be watching the election in bed in my hotel room with room service. If Obama wins…I will go and celebrate, dance in the streets and all!!"
ariannahuffington_electionnight.jpgArianna Huffington, The Huffington Post: "I'll be helping to edit coverage as the results come in. Afterwards, I'll be celebrating with friends in L.A., (hopefully!)"
victoriabartlett_electionnight.jpgVictoria Bartlett, Designer, VPL: "I'll be wrapped in the democratic flag in my hotel room in Tokyo."
jeffhalmos_electionnight.jpgJeff Halmos, Shipley & Halmos: "I'll spend Tuesday evening carefully standing close to the television with my remote control in hand trying to pick the precise moment to freeze frame the ironic look on Sean Hannity's face when he finally realizes Barack Obama has won in a landslide. Unfortunately, I'll only be able to stand watching that (expletive) for five minutes before switching channels."
samshipley_electionnight.jpgSam Shipley, Shipley & Halmos: "Bears, Bears, Bears, Ditka, Bears, Bears, Bulls, Obama."
scottsternberg_electionnight.jpgScott Sternberg, Band of Outsiders: "I will be at the studio, working away on fall as The Huffington Post quietly refreshes itself in the background. It's all too excruciating really."

thombrowne_electionnight.jpgThom Browne, Designer: "I will be on a plane to Milan, hoping for Obama's win, and spreading the good word to the people in Italy."
lisamayock_electionnight.jpgLisa Mayock, Vena Cava: "I'll be going to a friend's house where we'll eat Donkey-shaped cookies while we watch the coverage."
sophiebuhai_electionnight.jpgSophie Buhai, Vena Cava: "I will be at a meatball party with my friends."
erinfetherston_electionnight.jpgErin Fetherston, Designer: "On election night we'll be having friends over to watch the news updates and we'll be drinking lots of champagne—hopefully in celebration!"
lizziefortunato_electionnight.jpgLizzie Fortunato, Jewelry designer: "I'll be at home with some friends, cooking and praying!"
philoh_electionnight.jpgPhil Oh, "I'm actually cutting a family holiday short to fly back to NYC on Election Day to vote. I'm ashamed to say that this will be my first time exercising my right to vote—haven't done anything like it since the race for 8th Grade Student Council treasurer (I voted for myself). I don't have any big plans except watching CNN in the confines of my own apartment—so no one will see me cry if we lose."
chrissiemiller_electionnight.jpgChrissie Miller, Sophomore: "I spend the weekend through to Election Day calling people in swing states and making sure they know where to go to vote. And the night of I'm having a party at my house with lots of beer and apple pie!"
pamelalove_electionnight.jpgPamela Love, Jewelry designer: "I did an absentee ballot in my homestate-Florida!!!! So I'm going on a road trip with some of my Non-American girlfriends who can't vote. We will probably be in a motel somewhere in Canada."
mariacornejo_electionnight.jpgMaria Cornejo, Zero Maria Cornerjo: "Although I can't vote in the U.S., I've been active in trying to get all my friends to vote. I'm excited to see the results, so, I'll be home with my family glued to the television."
howardwolfson_electionnight.jpgHoward Wolfson, Fox News Contributor/Commentator: "I will be on TV at Fox News helping to explain and analyze Barack Obama's big win!"
timhamilton_election.jpgTim Hamilton, Designer: "I will be home with a big group of friends hoping for change and better times!"
harleyvieranewton_election.jpgHarley Viera Newton, Model/DJ/Bass player: "It's terrifying that the Election is tomorrow! I'll probably watch it all go down alone because the results come in just as I get out of class. I'll be at my apartment biting my nails and drinking whisky. And if Obama doesn't win, I'll down another bottle of Jameson and move to Canada."
rebeccaturbow_election.jpgRebecca Turbow, Designer: "I will hopefully be celebrating the Obama victory with my friends (Safety in numbers) so vote!!"

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