Nikki: "I think a face-to-face talk with the person [works], but write it out first. Come prepared, decide with yourself what you're going to admit to, and have boundaries walking in. Usually in these situations, I've been kind of scared of the person that's talking shit about me, so it's important to not acquiesce."
Nikki: "Beta blockers!" (laughs)
Sara: "I have to give myself a pep talk. If I have to say something, I'll say it over, and over, and over again, so it removes the thoughts of fear and what could go wrong. I'm just focusing on what I have to say, even if I already know it. I"ll even sometimes go 'You're gonna do great, you're gonna do great...' just so I have something playing in my brain that isn't failure or embarrassment. You just play a little film that's just nonsense."
Nikki: "Do the Wonder Woman pose [Ed Note: Head up. Fists on hips] before you go on stage. Go lock yourself in a bathroom, anywhere where you can be alone, but stand in the Wonder Woman pose, confidently, for two or three minutes before you go onstage or do anything that is nerve wracking. And just by standing that way, physiologically, your body will respond and give you more confidence."
Sara: Ask questions. I've been learning over the years to listen and ask questions, and then the pressure's off of you. A good question to ask people is not 'Where did you go to college?' [since] not everyone got to go to college. So, now I say — and it kind of sounds mean, but I say it jokingly — 'What's your deal?' I don't want to say 'Where do you work?' because if they're unemployed, then you feel bad. 'What do you do?' — to me, that's like, 'Justify your existence!' So, I get at it jokingly, like, 'What's your deal? Tell me about what you've got going on!' and that's very open-ended.
Photo: Courtesy of MTV

Nikki: "No one's too big for a compliment. A lot of times, people think with celebrities, 'Oh, she knows she's great in that!' Meryl Streep still likes a compliment. I guarantee you, it touches her heart."
Nikki: "Texting. I think that's where I goof stuff up the most is not being able to resist texting, reaching out. Just (in unison with Sara) play it cool! Just be aloof! No guy is ever gonna be like, 'Well, I'm not into her because she just doesn't seem into me!' That's never been a complaint for why a guy doesn't like a girl. Ever! That's an attractive thing, so always err on the side of aloofness. Oh, and the best thing: Take his number out of your phone. It has saved me so many times."
Nikki: "Sleep mask. Neck pillow. You're not too good for the sleep mask-neck pillow combo! You're not too cool for it!"
Sara: "Katy Perry's 3-D Movie, Part of Me. Nikki and I love that movie, especially as it relates to Nikki and I going through this experience of getting a TV show. She worked really hard to get to where she is, she was not an overnight success — I did not realize that until I saw that movie; she's been working at this for like 10 years. I always think about that concert in Brazil when she's crying beneath the stage and they lift her up and she just turns into a smile. We always talk about that — we're like 'Katy Perry Brazil!' — whenever we're having a hard moment or we're tired, It's like, 'Turn it on! Get out there, do it!'"
Nikki: "Ask Laura Jarvis. (laughs) I stillll don't feel the coolest, but to be cool now? To have a show and it feels amazing. I just went to my high school reunion two months ago, and it was great. It felt like, finally, they get to see the real me, because I was always thinking the funny things but was always quiet and scared to be made fun of. So, it was nice to finally be seen in that light. I knew that was my potential for everyone to see me this way, and finally, they are! So, it feels good."