Is it just us or are these otherwise incredible "Day to Night" photos of New York seem weirdly apocalyptical? (PSFK)
Everyone is chatting about the earthquake, including, of course, twitter. Here are some of the best tweets about the great seismic event with a distinct New York flavor. (Flavorwire)
We've already highlighted one seriously tacky 9/11 memorial item. Little did we know a whole host of this terribly misguided products are for sale right now on Etsy, because nothing soothes the pain of lost lives like vegan cupcake soap. (Racked)
Pucker up! Here's the lowdown on the best lemonades in the city that are sold by stores and not small children who doe-eye you into handing over $20. (Huffington Post)
A Brighton Beach restaurant is issuing a "Big Boys' Challenge": Anyone who drinks four liters of beer gets a fifth on the house, and if that one is downed, you get a free half-liter for life with any purchase. The owner explains that he's not pushing over drinking, and his clientele is mostly Russian, anyway. Zdorovye! (City Room)