If you didn't notice all the traffic uptown yesterday, then you must've not noticed the POTUS making his way to Barnard College's commencement day. What did he say to the all-female class of 2012? Focus on personal improvement, not "beauty and fashion." His suggested role model? The FLOTUS, of course. (Jezebel)
Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! Take a guided tour of NYC with this duo from Bleeding Cool and check out all the filming spots in this short movie. (Gothamist)
Every now and then we like to take a stroll down memory lane. Here's a look back at 30 years of the CFDA Awards in pictures. Remember when Princess Diana presented an award to Liz Tilberis? Aww… (Style)
We know it's the third straight week in the row we began with rain. But trust, summer is coming. Here's a little reminder: Bryant Park's Summer Film Festival screening line-up has been announced. Click through for deets. (Bryant Park blog)
So, what's Heidi Klum's plans for summer? She's moving back to New York in June with her family and then planning on exercising. A lot. Read ahead for the supermodel's (and super mom's) tips. (Elle)

Photo: Via Jezebel