The royal couple of hip-hop held an exclusive fundraiser at Jay's 40/40 Club last night (which explained all that traffic), and while we're sure tons of money was raised and important policy discussed, the most important news to come out of the event (in our eyes) is that Barack is officially aboard the Beyoncé fan club. When POTUS took the stage at the $40,000-a-head bash, he told his hosts: "To J and B, thank you so much for your friendship. Beyoncé could not be a better role model for my girls." While we certainly agree that Bey is one amazing — and amazingly strong — woman to look up to (much like Sasha and Malia's own mom!), we simply can't get past the fact that the Prez calls Mr. and Mrs. Hova "J and B." Are Barack and Michelle the new Gwyneth and Chris?
Obama also went on to explain why he and Jay-Z have formed a bond. "We both have daughters, and our wives are more popular than we are," he joked. "So, you know, we've got a little bond there. It's hard, but it's okay." Indeed, Beyoncé has been open about her girl crush on MObama for quite some time (remember that tear-jerker of a letter she wrote?), but it's nice to see the First Fam returning a little love. Plus, we can't help but smile at the thought of how cool their joint family trips would be — POTUS in St. Tropez, anyone? (Us Weekly)

Photo: Via Us Weekly