When we think May Day we're usually picturing our third-grade selves dressed in pastels dancing around a pole. This year though, Obey Clothing is putting their downtown spin on the holiday with a LES pop-up shop (we're thinking these days that you can't have a temp store unless it's in the LES). Obey's designer Shephard Fairey certainly knows how to capitalize on his buzz with tomorrow's well-timed opening. Hardly a day's gone by this month where the artist isn't doing something newsworthy—painting at the Ace Hotel, partying at the Boom Boom Room, or having an art show at Deitch... The store-cum-gallery is no exception; It seems more like Fairey's studio than a typical boutique, which is fine by us. Look for a selection of 30 hand-stenciled, one-of-a-kind t-shirts, vintage military jackets, and a collection of custom spray paint cans. While you can get your hands on most of the line's guerrilla-chic clothing, we suggest picking up the commemorative Shepard Fairey May Day T-shirt, not so great for the May pole, but perfect for getting your graffiti on.
April 30-May 16, weekdays 1-7p.m., weekends 12-7p.m.
151 Orchard Street (between Rivington and Stanton streets)

April 30-May 16, weekdays 1-7p.m., weekends 12-7p.m.
151 Orchard Street (between Rivington and Stanton streets)