We kinda hate to bring this up, but we couldn't help but be intrigued by this nugget of fashion-and-science-related news. Earning popularity points among many Japanese businessmen (somehow unsurprising), a new line of underwear promises to save you from being the most hated person in the company elevator — if you get our drift.
Initially intended for masking odors from those who suffer from varying gastrointestinal problems, Deoest underwear found unexpected fans in the everyday person who simply suffers from an upset stomach. While hygiene products have certainly pushed for innovation — such as edible deodorant (which is made by the same company) — but now they seem to be taking a turn toward the clothing department and enlisting the help of pretty powerful science that HuffPo reports uses "whiff-absorbing ceramic particles in the material fibres." Yep, sounds super science-y to us.
Go ahead. Let us know — maybe, not in too many explicit details — if you would ever try on a pair for yourself. After all, even wise, old young Tavi will attest to the adage: Everybody farts. (Huffington Post)
Photo: Courtesy of Deoest