How To Make Your Desk Boss-Friendly In 5 Minutes

Our coworkers tend to be pretty important figures in our lives: mentors, friends, "work wives" — they make the daily grind speed by and have our backs when there's an inevitable deadline crunch. But, admit it, your colleagues aren't always the tidiest. Case in point: our very own Lucie Fink, whose desk in the R29 office was screaming out for a little love. She'd even been hanging onto a sad, dead cactus for who knows how long — clearly, it'd been a while since she'd given the area a sweep.
Luckily, Bea Copeland, R29 video producer and side-hustling personal organizer, came by to transform her space into an efficient, colorful work paradise, in just 5 minutes flat. Using the stray string lights and random posters Lucie'd had lying around, Bea upgraded her desk into the ideal spot for dreaming up her next creative adventure. Check out all of Bea's office hacks above.

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