The ads, shot by Willy Vanderperre, feature model Wylie Hays — posing in sleek, slinky dresses, and seriously glam separates in Hunters Point Plaza, Long Island City— juxtaposed with dreamy photos Theyskens snapped in said Belgium oceanside town. Theyskens explains that he chose the location, "because it is the shore of my country and I find it beautiful — I wanted a shore that doesn't look holiday-like, or exotic. I wanted the
image of a place more charged with emotions. The day I shot the sea was windy and semi-rainy; exactly the way I like it." Sound familiar?
Click through to the next page to see more of Theyskens' Theory's spring '13 campaign.
Photo: Courtesy of Theyskens' Theory

Photo: Courtesy of Theyksens' Theory.