Showering, shaving, grabbing breakfast before work — sounds like your standard morning routine, right? Usually the hardest part of those wee hours is trying not to smack the snooze button three times in a row, but not for Terin Izil, the Chicago-based copywriter who has spent the last few weeks living exclusively off of Olympic-sponsored products. With McDonald's and P&G among the corporate partners, chowing down on McNuggets and making the switch to Dial soap doesn't seem too inconvenient until you realize just how committed this girl is to her 5 Ring Diet mission.
Vowing to eat, drink, and take care of herself with only products bearing the Olympic rings on them doesn't just mean NutriGrain bars at every meal. It means showering with bottled Dasani water and even making a bed out of Charmin toilet paper — and, while in London, one out of a Ralph Lauren bag and a T-shirt.
Seems a little extreme, sure, but it's all for a worthwhile cause. Camp Promise, an overnight camp for people with neuromuscular disorders, co-founded by Terin, is $15,000 shy of its $25,000 fundraising goal, and by drawing attention to the camp through her shenanigans, the five-ring guinea pig hopes to meet her mark. So far, it's working — she's got less than $9,000 to go, and with brands like Chobani getting wind of her goal and Olympic fever, it shouldn't be long until some other campers become inspired to follow suit. With the closing ceremony this weekend, she's only got a few more days to go until she reaches the end, and, of course, will be able to live on something other than Greek yogurt and McDonald's.
Photo: Via 5 Ring Diet