In case you spent the last two weeks on a beach in Tahiti, here's what you missed: We posted the first three of FOUR exclusive stills from the upcoming season of the Netflix Original Series Orange Is the New Black and asked you to add your funny captions. Here, for your viewing pleasure are Dayanara and Bennett embroiled in some steamy(?) shenanigans, plus the winning caption.

The only person more excited about the new season of OITNB than us is this week's winner, Jill Paulson. Her spot-on humor earned her a free year of Netflix awesomeness (a.k.a. streaming)! We've got one more chance for you to win. Keep your eyes peeled for the last post on our Facebook page this Thursday at 8 p.m. EDT. If somehow the prize isn't incentive enough to play, which we really can't imagine, try these wise words from Litchfield's favorite inmate counselor Mr. Healy: "If the Internet says it, we better listen up."
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