In the world of thrift stores, Housing Works—whose proceeds go toward the homeless—reigns supreme. No wonder, then, that the thriving Tribeca location had to move homes from 72 Warren Street to nearby 119 Chambers street, into a bigger, brighter, and much more roomy space. Though it officially opens today, we popped by yesterday afternoon to take a gander at the goods, and needless to say, we were pretty pleased. The clothes are well-laid out, easy to flip through, and organized by color. There was plenty of space to move about, and there are entire areas dedicated to men's, shoes, and home. One find we especially wanted to take home with us was the set of Rococo-style white couches ($150-$395): Beautiful. Alas, they sit there still, waiting for a friendly soul to come by and claim them as his or her own. Today could be your lucky day!

Above: Subversive necklace, $15; Vintage Ribbon necklace, $15; Vintage Agnès B dress, $35.
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