Cold enough for ya? Just in time to save you from frostbite, Refinery29 has joined forces with the ultimate purveyors of boutique hotels and global travel, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, to deliver you in style to Mexico where it's always warm and welcoming. Mr. & Mrs. Smith have fashioned an exquisite 3-night stay for two at the stunning Bésico modernist boutique hotel in the heart of Playa del Carmen on the Riviera Maya for some roof-top terrace martini sipping without a sweater in sight. We're packing this getaway with extras, including airfare (up to $400 per ticket), a set of Wallpaper City Guides (6 books in all), a Pack This! Pad, a PKOH Travel Bottle Set, His & Her Sleeping Masks and Ear Plugs, a pair of Mosley Tribes Paladino, a pair of Mosley Tribes Sylford, and two green Holga Lomography Cameras. To enter, all you have to do is be a subscriber to Refinery29. If you're not, sign up for a chance to win and receive our free all-access pass to the tip-top in insider style, shopping, trends, sales, street style, and more. If you're already a subscriber, recommend Refinery29 to your friends and have an extra shot at scoring an incredible hot-weather getaway for every pal who signs up. Ahh, don't you wish you were there, like, now?