We know by now that you, are readers, are seriously competitive—but even we were taken aback (in the best way possible) by the number of your fierce snaps on our Facebook wall to win the pink round sunglasses from Cheap Monday's Clairvoyant Collection, available now at Brooklyn boutique, Alter. From a hot mama posing with her aviator-wearing tot on the seashore (trying to win our awww vote!) to a wild animal trainer rocking wraparounds in Patagonia, you sure made it hard for us to judge our fave sunnie moment! In the end, there can be only one winner, though it was a tough call between these four frames. We lurrrve Phuong Tran's submission with her hard-core chain frames, Dru Hilty holding her pug in a Juergen Teller-esque shot, and the sweet photo of Danny Mou in the park. Nikki Sutton's portrait, however, really gets an A for effort—it's Breakfast at Tiffany's , Refinery style.