Well thank God that's over! The Naughties were awful, awesome, terrible, and, once in a while, fantastic. Marc Jacobs and Kaiser Karl ruled supreme. Rodarte went from up and comers to fashion royalty. Gemma, Gisele, and Kate dominated. A mustached Canadian made millions selling leggings to American hipsters. Uptown went downtown. Downtown went to Brooklyn. Perhaps most importantly, cool kids of the fashion world met the tech geeks of the Internet and had beautiful babies. Now sit back an enjoy as all the blogs and web portals that didn't exist ten years ago boil down this often scary, but rarely boring, decade into easy-on-the stomach listicles. Peace out '00s!

Naughtie Behavior: The Decade In Hair. (T)
Michael Musto's Year (and Decade) in Review! (Village Voice)
The Decade of The IT Bag (Racked)
Models To Watch For in 2010. (Grazia)
100 Best Dresses of the Decade (InStyle)
Who is The Tween of The Decade? (Hipster Runoff)
Trends That Need To End in 2010. (The Daily Beast)
Hipster of the Decade: The Final Round (Gawker)
Digital Ramble: All for Naughts (T)
The Worst Trends of The Decade (HuffPo)
Ten Biggest Retail Trends of The Decade (Racked)
Here Today, Terrible Tomorrow: Which Fads Won't Survive The Next 10 Years. (Jezebel)
New York In The '00s: A Condensed Review (And Preview Of The '10s) (Guest of a Guest)
25 Biggest Style Stories of the Decade. (StyleList)