Do Tell: What Stars Are You Totally & Completely Tired Of?

Just like certain songs start to grate at you after their millionth radio play, celebs can have the same effect. Once you see a star a gajillion times, his (or her) mug starts to make you feel a little sick (sometimes). With this in mind, MSN hit the streets for a video poll, narrowing down the most overexposed hotshots, and it got our wheels turning.
Who do we wish would never stroll another red carpet again? Hmm. It's fair to say, everyone's feeling like they've reached their Kapacity on the Kardashian Klan (sorry, had to go there), but who else needs some long overdue nights on their couches (or how about with their families?). Nikki Minaj? Team Twilight? Feel free to vent away below, and we pinky swear to take your complaints to R29 heart!
<a href=";src=v5:embed::" target="_blank" title="Taking trending topics to the streets: Who are the most overexposed celebrities?" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Video: Taking trending topics to the streets: Who are the most overexposed celebrities?</a>

Video: Via MSN


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