You know that catchy tune on the radio that's your jam, but then you hear it 17,000 times in every elevator, club, mall, and resto, and it suddenly becomes nails on a chalkboard? Well, certain words and phrases hit the zeitgeist, and obviously have the same effect. In 1976, this peeve prompted Lake Superior State University in Michigan to release its first "List of Words Banished from the Queen's English for Misuse, Overuse and General Uselessness," and like everything else in modern culture—it has caught on every year since. Check out the top ten of 2011 below and give us your thoughts on other things you would rather die than hear (or read) again—we're taking nominations for the site! (P.S.: We're not shocked that baby bump made the cut, considering how many celebs seem to be procreating lately)!

Photo: Via NPR.