When you think of palm-reading technology, you probably picture flying cars right alongside. But, the new innovation PalmSecure may mean that such a reality isn't too far off. And, the details of the gadget are straight out of a sci-fi movie.
So, how does it work? In each of hand we have a set of palm veins. These vein patterns are unique to the individual and include detailed characteristics. PalmSecure devices capture your vein-pattern image while radiating it with near-infrared rays. The deoxidized hemoglobin in the veins absorbs the rays, reducing the reflection rate and making the veins appear as a black pattern. This pattern is then verified against a pre-registered pattern, thus authenticating your identity. Freaky, no?
But, why do we need this kind of device? There are several reasons. First off, it's more hygienic, since you don't actually have to touch any surfaces. We would argue, though, that there isn't anything grossly unhygienic about current identity validation systems. What's most important is how difficult it is to forge a vein pattern. And, even if someone did manage to forge your vein patterns (we shudder to think how), the authentication system in the PalmSecure devices can only recognize the pattern when your deoxidized hemoglobin is actively flowing through the veins. So, no one can just draw a picture of your pattern (or cut off your hand) and try to open a bank account. As such, the technology is in high demand with governments and parts of the private sector.
Of course, this isn't the first time we've seen something seemingly futuristic come to life — consider retina-scanning technology. This particular tech is based on over two decades of Fujitsu recognition research. And, in a world where heightened security measures exist everywhere from airports to schools, this kind of development could usher in a new generation of safety protocols. Not to mention, it's really cool. (Fujitsu)