When Vladimir Restoin-Roitfeld, the son to Carine and brother to Julia, has a gallery opening showing off the works of three photographers, you know it's guaranteed to be a scene. Guests packed the huge Collective Hardware space from front-to-back. Present in the crush were both Hilton sisters, Erin Wasson, Jamie Burke, Alexander Wang, Lily Donaldson, Lara Stone, Alexandra and Theodora Richards, and of course, Julia Restoin-Roitfeld. Downstairs was so crowded that guests were forced to trample over broken wine glasses as they struggled to hug each other, while the upstairs area had as much cigarette smoke and pretty people as the back room at Beatrice circa two years ago. Forced alternately against the walls and other revelers, we only managed to glimpse the photographs by P.C. Valmorbida, David Mushegain, and Salim Langatta, which included a photo of a near-nude Erin Wasson. Luckily, the exhibit is open 'til February 22, so we can go back for a true look. After the reception, everybody headed over to Indochine for the after party, which, unsurprisingly, was even more stuffed than the opening. We stood in the front and grabbed at the hors d'oeuvres as Nicky and Paris pushed past us in wide-eyed amazement, holding on to each other for dear life. "They were not kidding when they said this was over capacity," Paris giggled to her sis. No, Paris, they really weren't.

Above, from left:Erin Wasson, Lara Stone.

Above, from left:Darla Baker, Eddie Borgo and Stephanie Pappas.

Above, from left:Lily Donaldson, Natalia Vodianova.

Above, from left:Jesse Ashlock and Keegan Singh, Theodora Richards.