If Girl Talk's parting show at Terminal 5 isn't enough madness for you, check out the afterparty at Santos. Girl Talk at Terminal 5 and Afterparty at Santos Party House.
Commune with the ancient Babylonians and learn that their economies weren't really all that different from our own (that is, both eventually died). Beyond Babylon: Art, Trade, and Diplomacy in the Second Millennium B.C. at the Met
Stop in for Godard's Two or Three Things I Know About Her, a stylish, if unabashedly unglamorous look at Paris in the late '60s. Two or Three Things I Know About Her at The Walter Reade Theater. (pictured)
You think Extreme Home Makeover is something? Artist Daniel Perlin will bring extreme to a whole new level when he builds a house in Studio X by himself in an hour. Daniel Perlin "re:construction" at Studio X.