Monday Events: Growing, Babydoll, Yo La Tengo, and Let the Right One In

events_1222Baby Doll is Elia Kazan and Tennessee Williams' Rust-Belt noir features a revenge plot involving the seduction of a creep's 19-year-old child bride—a virtual captive in his house who has been brainwashed so far into permanent infancy that she still clings a teddy bear and sucks her thumb as the middle-aged men around her spar for her sexual favors. Did we mention this is a comedy? Baby Doll at Film Forum.
Backwards, forwards, looped, and twisted, the electronic sounds of Growing go deeper than most knob-twiddling experiments. Growing at Southpaw.
Yo La Tengo, the time-honored college-rock heroes, are still working through their multi-night "8 Nights of Hanukkah" stand at Maxwell's. Go light a candle. Yo La Tengo at Maxwell's.
The vampires of Twilight are pretty and well-spoken to be sure. But those Teen Beat creatures don't hold a candle to the dread and humor created by the young, girlish bloodsucker of Let the Right One In. Bite into this jewel at BAM. Let the Right One In at BAM.

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