Feel like getting into Halloween mode about 2 weeks early (not that Ricky's hasn't been forcing it on us since, like, the Fourth of July)? Check out Stephen Vitiello's fourth solo exhibition, Four Color Sound at The Project. Fog, a 28-minute music loop, and lighting effects? All he's missing are the costumes and its Motherfucker Part 2. Opening: Stephen Vitiello at The Project.
Paintings of photos of photos on TV. Sounds pretty stellar, considering artist Judith Eisler was able to sit through all 8-hours of Warhol's "Sleep". Her subjects include the likes of Johnny Thunders, John Giorno, and Girl on a Motorcycle's Alain Delon. Judith Eisler at the Cohan and Leslie gallery.
What's under there? Curiosity killed the cat, just remember that as you pose for photographer Cara Phillips unforgiving UV lens, forcing you to confront all your flaws. Cara Phillips at Ninth Avenue. (Pictured)
It's never to early for Halloween. GWAR is alive and thriving, playing tonight Irving Plaza Just don't eat too many brownies beforehand—you may think that they're eating you (ahem, Mark from Empire Records). GWAR at Irving Plaza.