Yes, yes, we know, Stephen Sprouse is all over the freakin' place. But this is the real thing. Stephen Sprouse at Deitch Projects.
David Bowie, Jennifer Connelly, and the Muppets, in Jim Henson's last film. Oh, and it's a sing along. Seriously, what more could you ask for? Labyrinth at 92Y Tribeca.
Don't you love to be the first one to tell your friends about the latest cool band? Bear Hands is so cool (and good) they apparently don't even need a website. Bear Hands at The Studio at Webster Hall.
The first NY show of Baltimore-based collective Closed Caption Comics, includes tons of self-published art zines and comic books, appropriately titles Adolescent Rage. Adolescent Rage at Cinders.
Professional bull riders (yes, there is such a thing) grapple with a 2,000 pound bull in front of a curious NY audience at MSG. Professional Bull Riders Invitational at MSG.
More weekend events below...Saturday:
Monsterheaven: pork & spam opens at Fuse Gallery. DJ's Andrew & Andrew spin some tunes, and they're some surprise performances instore too. Monsterheaven at Fuse Gallery.
If you're on the subway today, and see a group of men running around in their boxers (and nothing else) don't freak out. Just the pranksters of Improv Everywhere doing their annual No Pants gig. Just business as usual. No Pants, meet at Foley Square.
Good art for a good cause. Postcards from the Edge is a visual AIDS benefit show and sale of original, post-card sized art. 1500 original cards, for $75 a pop. Postcards from the Edge at Metro Pictures.
Go listen to the dark moody, incomprehensible songs of New York band, Crystal Stilts. Their name is cool too. Crystal Stilts at Market Hotel.
Mulch Fest! If the name doesn't get you, surely the description will: bring in your discarded xmas tree to a local park, and they'll make it into mulch for ya! Mulchfest at various locations.
New York-based band Takka Takka already had their big break with "Clap Your Hands and Say Yeah" and now they're well on their way to becoming an idie-fave. Takka Takka at BAM.
GlobalFEST 2009 brings the best of world music right to your backyard. Includes bands from Trinidad, Brazil, India, Iran, France, and beyond. GlobalFEST at Webster Hall.
Doo-wop-punk magic. Lots of harmonizing over raw sounds. Vivian Girls at Living Room.