Monday Events: Lady Sovereign, Dealing and Wheeling in Small Arms, Over the Counter Comedy, and Chinese New Year

Chinese (or "Lunar") New Year is upon us, and while the big parade happens later in the week, traditional music and traditional fireworks will be on display this afternoon at the foot of Chinatown. Chinese New Year's Celebrations at Roosevelt Park (Canal Street and Forsyth)
Dealing and Wheeling in Small Arms follows the weapons trade in Cambodia, Eastern Congo, Uganda, and Bosnia-Herzegovina—places where food and peace seem scarce, even if bullets are not. Dealing and Wheeling in Small Arms at Anthology Film Archives.
Get out your pink slips—Laid Off Mondays offers a free shot of tequila with proof of unemployment. Laid off Mondays at the Delancy.
"Over the Counter Comedy" at the EastVille Comedy Club brings in the week with a smile. For a mere buck, you can view the best comics of the hour and try to wash away the blue Mondays. "Over the Counter Comedy" at the EastVille Comedy Club