Weekend Events: William Eggleston is Still Colorful, Oberst is Still Sad, Deerhunter is Still Experimental, Van Damme is Still a Badass

Experimental psych garage rock lives on. Deerhunter at the Music Hall of Williamsburg. (November 7th).
It was bound to happen: Jean-Claude Van Damme in a art film, playing himself no less. And, no, he doesn't kick the snot out of someone. JCVD at Angelika Film Center. (November 7th)
Cry me a river. Sensitive souls unite. Conor Oberst at Terminal 5. (November 9)
Release enorphins! Get a cavity! The Chocolate Show is here! (November 9th)
Watch performance artist Corin Hewitt do a bunch of weird stuff and then take photos of it. Seed Stage opens at The Whitney. (Starts November 7th).
And finally, you may have forgotten, in the midst of Obama-rama, that your gay friends took a major blow on Tuesday. Take them out for a drink—your treat.
Photograph ©William Eggleston