Sure, we've hit the Second Depression, but apparently some didn't get the memo. For the new magazine Tar, which celebrated its launch last night with its not first, not second, but third elaborate event (other parties were held in London and Paris) the good times are still rolling. The party was hosted by Johan Lindeberg who so kindly opened up his home to 200 or so magazine contributors, fashionistas, and perfect strangers. And what a home it was... an awesome three-story brick-walled space with cathedral-high ceilings on the top floor and a partially glass floor (not to mention a stunning room for his little ones).

Revelers included magazine founder Maurizio Marchiori, The Lindebergs (of course), Slater Bradley, Leo Fitzpatrick, Philip Crangi, Louis Terline of Oak, and Barneys' doyenne Julie Gilhart. We overheard one party goer exclaim, "I've seen, like, six girls' underwear tonight!" Certainly, there were plenty of opportunities for up-skirt peeps on the thin staircases and through the glass floor on the third floor.

A low-volume performance by semi-drag performer Kalup Linzy, on one of the aforementioned staircases changed the mood from festive to quietly introspective (errr). Still, we persevered cozy in a throne-like white easy chair with our free Peroni enjoying the view. Maybe the Second Depression won't be that depressing after all.