Trainers are always blabbering on (read: screaming directly in your ear) about "working harder!" and "envisioning a better you!," but we'd bet a buck or two that none of them have taken their own advice quite like NYC trainer, Paul James. In an effort to see what his heavier or struggling clients feel like while trying to slim down, James actually gained 88 pounds and 16 inches on his waist. And, he did it the old fashion way — shoveling his face with food. We're talking 20,000 calories a day. One time, he even remembers eating four large pizzas ( accompanied by eight cans of soda) in one sitting. But, that's nothing compared to breakfast — two pounds of bacon, three liters of chocolate milk, and a dozen scrambled eggs. All that food and nothing but a pot belly to show for it, James found himself depressed and pessimistic. Though, ever the amazing trainer that he is, Paul bucked up and dropped the weight. One year and (we're assuming) a bit less bacon later, Paul's body is back in shape. Like really in shape. Check the before and afters below and get inspired. We are (but don't try this at home, kids). (NY Post)


Photos: Via NY Post