Actress Paz de la Huerta isn't exactly known for her modesty, which is why we weren't surprised to see her playing the part of the igeneue-gone-rogue at Wednesday's night's "A Playboy Salon," a collaboration between the House of Waris, The Accompanied Literary Society's Brooke Geahan, and Playboy magazine. While the space, actually under the Highline, was cool (think tents, a Waris tea salon, and lots of Playboy snuggies), we were more enthralled by the provocative Boardwalk Empire actress, who was reading an excerpt from Madame Bovary—newly-translated and recently published in the latest issue of the nudie mag. Her slow, heavily-accented reading was enough to make even this gay guy a little sweaty, though her occasional outbursts of "shut up motherfuckers," may have made even the manliest of men think twice about getting in her bed. No matter, she sure looked her usual sex-pot self, especially leaning on jeweler Waris Ahluwalia in a precarious position that more than shows off her best assets. The best part? The expression on Ahluwalia's face. Kinda stony meets WTF meets "bah dah bah bah I'm lovin' it."