As you might have guessed, most of us around here are vintage cyclists—whenever we have the time or energy to pedal. So we were pleased with today's "A Field Guide to the New York City Bicyclist" in the redoubtable New York Times Style section. Andrew Valentine (below, right) represents the English tradition of country biking with his prim, tailored look. Jesse Ashlock (below, left) of V Man looks rough-and-tumble carrying his vintage fixed-gear over his shoulder. Oh, and lookie here—it's Refinery 29 Street Seen superstar the lovely Roanne Adams looking glam on her green, graceful second-hand Schwinn. Quoth Ms. Adams, "What makes an old vintage bike cool is that it's cool to me and not to the guys looking to steal a bike." Certainly, she's the most stylish thing on two wheels since Marianne Faithful kickstarted her Harley. Okay, maybe that was a bad example. Wear a helmet, lady. (NY Times)