fallplaylistbanner Drawing by Karen Gelardi.
Summer jams are easy to pinpoint--they're the songs that make you want to get up, go out, love life, and maybe even make some bad choices. An autumn song is not so simple. It's not as immediate or obvious. It's more an introspective thing that requires you spend some time with it. For our fall playlist, we decided to choose ten songs that could be either, depending on your mood. Download them now to see (and hear) what we mean.
• "Young Folks"-- Peter Bjorn and John (From "Writer's Block")
The whistling, the back and forth vocals, the beat--Sweden owns us a little more each day.
Buy the album.
• "Between the Rent And Me"-- Snowden (From "Anti-Anti")
This is what we call a very well-crafted pop song. Hooks, vocals, everything down to a T. If you take issue with it, you no longer have a soul.
Buy the album.
• "Trophy"-- Bat for Lashes (From "Fur and Gold")
This British girl is hot, plus she sounds like a cross between Kate Bush and Björk, and that's even hotter.
Buy the album.
• "In the Shape"-- Foreign Born (From "On the Wings Now")
Tremendous songwriting, terrific vocals. A band that deserves to really break big with its new album (yet to be released). Keep your eyes on them.
• "Spider's House" -- Califone (From "Roots & Crowns")
Going along with the spooky October vibe, along comes Califone's latest album, providing you with just the right soundtrack for the start of an autumn chill.
Buy the album.
• "Computer Song"-- Jim Noir (From "Tower of Love")
You may have heard another song of his in an Adidas commercial for this year's World Cup, but this one is far superior. 4 Realz.
Buy the album.
• "Dividing Island"-- Lansing-Dreiden (From "The Dividing Island")
Epic, lush, stoned, proggy rock with just the right smidge of art school attitude.
Buy the album.
• "Ted"-- Clark (From "Body Riddle")
Chaotic break beats from a Warp staple that sounds both unnerving and satisfying at the same time.
Buy the album.
• "In the Morning"-- Junior Boys (From "So This is Goodbye")
More proof that Canadians do everything just a little bit better than the rest of the world. Electro perfection.
Buy the album.
• "Faberge Fad"-- Of Montreal (From "Hissing Fauna, You Are Not The Destroyer")
One hundred albums later, Of Montreal finally hits the jackpot with its latest release due out in January 2007. If this Prince-inspired mind fuck doesn't blow you away, you might want to check your pulse.
Our top tracks for fall—download them now.

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