Pinrose: The Warby Parker of Perfumes

No beauty task has brought more women to their knees than the nightmare known as finding a new fragrance. Picking a lipstick, matching your foundation, finding the right at-home hair dye — those all pale in comparison to the drama of scent shopping.
Why is this seemingly harmless task so traumatizing? From the onset, you are at a disadvantage, overwhelmed by pretty bottles with alluring names and fragrance descriptions that sound like they've sprung straight from the cracked-out mind of a children's book author (sparkling peony dew drops, buttered spice rum breeze, moss-covered bark flakes).
If you can ascertain what the perfume kind of smells like from the vague descriptions and decide you actually want to smell it, you are then subjected to the forceful spritzing by a sales attendant, who leaves you doused in fumes. Heaven forbid you actually want to compare multiple scents — your poor nose won't be able to figure out what it is actually smelling, will become overwhelmed, and then just give up, leaving you unable to distinguish the smell of rotten milk from eau de designer.
And, if you make it through all of that and manage to actually purchase a scent you think you like, there's that awful moment where you put it on for the first time, wear it for a few hours, and then realize you absolutely can't stand the way it smells on your skin. #perfumeproblems.
For those of who are sick and tired of the whole rigmarole, there's a new scent game on the scene, and it's about to do away with all of that pain and agony. Pinrose is a luxury fragrance company that subscribes to the try-at-home-before-you-buy model — the Warby Parker of fragrance, if you will. Users head online to get "scent mapped" by the brand's scent finder. It is inspired by synesthesia, incorporating colors, sounds, and textures to "map" consumers on the olfactory spectrum.
You'll be asked a series of questions to help pinpoint the best scents for you. From places you'd like to visit, to the music you love, and your color preferences, the profiler covers it all. After your quiz, the scent profiler will recommend your three ideal scents. You have the option to try a sample of one or all three. The brand then sends you single-use perfumed towelettes (called Pinrose Petals), which you can try at home and decide which fragrance is your new perfect match.
There are 10 scents currently in the range, and a full-size bottle of fragrance retails for $50. Not only is this great for fragrance novices and fanatics alike, it's also an amazing gift — we usually shy away from gifting fragrances because scent is such a personal thing, and it can be hard to pinpoint what someone might actually want, but this takes away the uncertainty.
We've always been of the notion that if we are spending our hard-earned cash on something, we should have the ability and the luxury of being able to try it out and make sure it fits all of our particular needs. If only all of our beauty shopping could be this easy.
Pinrose Scents, $50 each, available at Pinrose.

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