What Pinterest Hair Tutorials Look Like IRL

Anyone who's ever gone on Pinterest knows that it's pretty much a DIY haven. Need a recipe for tonight's potluck? There's a board for that. Can't figure out what to do with those Mason jars you have laying around? There's a board for that, too. Whatever your craft of choice, Pinterest is generally the resource — and it doesn't disappoint on the beauty front. But, if you've ever tried to recreate one of those infamous pin-diagrams for yourself, you know that the step-by-steps are typically a lot harder than they look (there's even an entire site dedicated to people's numerous fails) — and, your results very rarely match the softly filtered photos. To help us feel less like total hair failures, a few BuzzFeed staffers tried some of the most popular DIY hairstyles on Pinterest. With each lady embodying a different hair type, from "thick and puffy" to "curly-wavy-straight," they attempted to recreate looks like the hair bow (seen here), straightened braid waves, and the half-crown braid. The results are, inevitably, pretty funny — and help further prove that these kinds of tutorials are generally: a) completely unrealistic to do yourself, and b) often only work for women with a certain hair type (read: straight, full, and long).  Click over to BuzzFeed to check out the results, along with some hilarious reactions. If you stick around for anything, let it be Sheridan's spot-on commentary. (BuzzFeed)

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