Fingers crossed, people! Grazia says their sources have discovered that Kate Middleton's peppy, chic, trouble-prone lil' sis' Pippa, "has sensationally decided to quit England and move abroad," sailing to New York's concrete shores. Of course, Grazia's "source" could very well be an editor's food-poisoning-induced fever dream (this is the land of Rupert Murdoch.) Nonetheless, we say Ms. Pippa should indeed make the jump across the Pond. Without the British press always at her estimable backside, she would be free to wave fake plastic guns at whomever she wants, shop, eat, and drink with relative anonymity, maybe invite you to brunch someplace nice, and, who knows, perhaps fall hopelessly in love with the staff writer of a Manhattan-based style and fashion website. We can all get behind that — right, guys? (Grazia)
Photo: Via Grazia.