Plenty of pretties piled into Bryan Park yesterday for designer Tia Cibani's latest Ports 1961 collection, Beloved of the Sky. Before a single model took to the runway, Margo Timmins of Cowboy Junkies strolled out and perched on a chair began to coo into a mic, setting a mellow mood for what was to come. Drawing inspiration from Canadian artist, Emily Carr's visually dynamic and color saturated paintings, Cibani presented striking silhouettes with strong geometric lines in earth tones interspersed here and there with pieces in vibrant blue, red, and metallic. Smart separates with delicate, paper-fine pleats were juxtaposed with eye-catching accessories such as Lina Peterson's dramatic necklaces and Karen Henriksen Millinery's biomorphic-shaped hats (we love!). Cibani proved fringe can be much more than an ornamental detail with two stand-outs: a bold, harbor-colored fringe dress with a roe silk slip and a coat made of black and brown, ribbon-like rubber fringe.

Photos from Style.com.