Come, friends. Let us pick your brains. With the holidays switching from "approaching" to "sprinting at us, full-tilt," the wrappings, trees, tinsel, and tunes are making us all have a lot of feelings, be they merry or murderous.
We've teamed up with our buddies over at Poshly again for an amazing holiday-inspired Q&A (plus, a shot at a prize!).
Here's what we want to know: How psyched are you about the approaching gift-giving frenzy? We're examining old habits, attitudes about money, and your preferred potluck dish to see what exactly (if any) the correlation they have with your grinchiness — and the quality of your holiday season.
So, head on over and enter to win some killer Benefit "They're Real" mascara...and let us pick your brain in the process!
Click over to Poshly to take our Grinch quiz now!
Photo: Courtesy of ABC