Pringle of Scotland’s Army of “It” Girls, Now With Airbrushing!

We don't really think of much when we think of Pringle of Scotland, except for maybe some vague recollection of their "Since 1815" slogan. But that's probably exactly why they've solicited a whole crop of young, cool things for their spring/summer '09 ad campaign. The Steven Meisel-shot images feature our fave "It" girl Daisy Lowe, along with Brit-of-the-moment Pixie Geldof and American heiress and sometime-intern Lydia Hearst. We just took a gander at the images, and our first thought: Woah, airbrush much? Sure, all mags and ads do it, but is there really any reason why Daisy's adorable nose looks noticeably thinner, and why Pixie looks…well…not like Pixie? Isn't the whole point of making PYTs the mascot for your old-ish label to swap the same 'ol photoshopped models for cool girls with panache? Maybe it's just us, but we kind of prefer Pixie's freakishly funny Agent Provocateur ads better. But what say you: "It" girls retouched, yay or nay?

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